Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as much as I am with my family. Earlier in the evening we opened our Christmas gifts. Yes a littler early but it was great to see the expression in everyones face. Take a look at a few photos. Oh, I almost forgot to thank Santa for dropping off an awesome lens. I was a good boy this year, so he dropped off a Canon 24mm f/1.4
L under the tree. Thank you! Thank you!!!! Here are some shots from the lens. To view the slideshow,
Click Here.
1/100 sec f/2.8 ISO 200

1/100 sec f/2.8 ISO 200

1/400 sec f/2.8 ISO 200

1/400 sec f/2.08 ISO 200

1/400 sec f/2.08 ISO 200
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